Thursday, March 23, 2006


Random School Stuff

So, I've recently lost 50% of my class at school. That's right. Two of my four students are gone for the remainder of this school year. Kiho Sato went back to Japan for a 6 month furlough with her family and Eric Choi moved to Kampala with his family.

But before they left, we did some pretty cool stuff, and I just posted some pictures in a new folder called, "Some School Stuff."

For science, we were talking about mixtures and the students had to "seperate" the mixtures. Well, the rocks and sand wasn't too hard. For the flour and rice, Eric tried to blow the flour away. Then Curt got a strainer to help. It was actually quite funny. Then we even attempted to boil away salt water to separate sand and salt.

Another group of the pictures are of a lunch that Eric's mom brought for all of us to eat.

One set is of us writing on each others' backs. This was an activity we did before everyone moved away, just to shower each other with kind words. The kids really got into it!

Then there are a couple of pictures of the kids leaning up on a wall trying to get information from a map.

It's been fun, and I know it will continue to be, teaching them. The dynamics have just changed and will take a little getting used to.

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