Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Question #4

Did I ever even post question #3? Surely, I can't remember.

Oh well...

Question #4:

If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one ability or quality, what would it be?

The wisdom to know when to be silent and when to speak.
I've been luking around your blog since it began. You are doing a great job there. You make me proud.
Love from your other Bowie mom,
Well, since Sue outed herself then I guess I will too. I've been lurking also. I usually do that for awhile before I start commenting. I've so enjoyed reading about your adventures!

one ability - know another language, probably Spanish since it's so widely spoken around here but even Sign Language (I know only a little) or Kurdish (we have Kurdish neighbors) would be great

one quality - patience, I'm not a patient person, just ask my children!
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