Sunday, September 17, 2006


WOW! What a summer--actually, what a year! I celebrated my "one year anniversary" in Uganda a couple of weeks ago on September 1st. It's hard to believe I've been here over a year! My, how time flies when you're having fun!

I know it’s been FOREVER since I updated this blog. So I think I’ll do a few “short” updates, based on events/things that have happened recently. (Actually, some of them are NOT so recently!)

First, this summer’s internship was amazing! Be sure to read all about it in the separate post.

Second, my friends, Lori and Lauren, came for a short visit in August. They just so happened to be here for my 30th birthday and we went GORILLA TRACKING--WHAT AN AMAZING ADVENTURE! Be sure to read all about it.

Third, school has started and I am the only teacher! AAAHHHH!!!!!! No, just kidding--sort of! It has been lots of fun and is a totally new challenge for me to juggle 3 grades, about 8 different levels, 3 different first languages, and 4 ethnicities.


I think that's the major stuff. I've also been working on a new picture website. It has some pictures of internship and GORILLA TRACKING! Be sure to check out this link:

beth! so jealous of the gorillas! That's something we missed. next time maybe! Did I tell you I'm going back to AFrica in Nov? this time to Malawi. You look great! take care and be careful! love, Rachel
I'm not old enogh for you to be 30! I have to admit gorilla tracking is an unusual way to spend the day.
So good to have you post again. You have been very busy.
Much love
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